1. 个人经历
2. 研究方向:冶金固体废弃物资源化与环境保护
3. 主要项目
4. 主要论文成果(中文核心或以上)
(1) Peparation of 20 wt. % Pt0.5Pd0.5/C nanoelectrocatalysts by electroless and their electrocatalytic properties. Key Engineering Materials, 2017.
(2)Separation of indium from lead smelting hazardous dust via leaching and solvent extraction. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2017.
(3) An effective separation process of arsenic, lead, and zinc from high arsenic-containing copper smelting ashes by alkali leaching followed by sulfide precipitation. Waste Management & Research, 2020.
(4) Leaching Behavior of Lead and Silver from Lead Sulfate Hazardous Residues in NaCl-CaCl2-NaClO3 Media. JOM, 2019.
(5)Two-stage leaching of zinc and copper from arsenic-rich copper smelting hazardous dusts after alkali leaching of arsenic. SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, 2019.
(6)Separation of arsenic and extraction of zinc and copper from high-arsenic copper smelting dusts by alkali leaching followed by sulfuric acid leaching. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2021.
(7)Volatilization Mechanization and Behaviors of Arsenic from High Arsenic-Containing Copper Smelting Ash by Sulfurization Roasting.g. JOM, 2023.
(8)Effect of Current Density on Preparation and Properties of TF/β-PbO2 in MSA Media. ACS OMEGA, 2023 .
(9)铜烟灰酸浸渣 NaCl-H2SO4 溶液浸出提铋,有色金属工程,2023.
5. 专利
(1)一种含砷物料碱浸脱砷液中砷资源化的方法. 2020,中国授权号:ZL201810063756.9.