1. 个人经历
2. 研究方向:环境分析化学;环境与健康;生态环境监测等。
3. 主要贡献:参与玉溪师院滇中分析测试中心“检验检测资质(CMA)”认定工作,并担任中心质量负责人。
4. 主要项目
(1) 云南省地方本科高校(部分)基础研究联合专项,202101BA070001-020,抚仙湖流域农业土地利用与入湖河流中重金属分布的响应机制研究,2021/12-2024/11,5万元,在研,主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金,31460144,人工湿地典型植物的根际效应对六氯苯生物降解的影响机制研究,2015/01-2018/12,50万元,已结题,参与
(3) 云南省科技厅(专项联合基金),2017FH001-125,玉溪“三湖”流域不同类型湿地基底中典型持久性有机污染物分布及生态风险,2017/12-2020/11,40万元,在研,参与
5. 主要论文成果
[1] Guangqiu Lu, Wei Tan, Guizhen Li, et al., Effects of carbendazim on catalase activity and relatedmechanism, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24686-34391, 2020.
[2]Guangqiu Lu, Bei Wang, Cuiping Zhang, et al., Heavy metals contamination and accumulation in submerged macrophytes in an urban river in China. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 20(8):839-846, 2018.
[3] Bei Wang#, Cuiping Zhang#, Shuying Li, Guangqiu Lu, Guoli Lu, Song Li, Yuanqing Zhou*. An approach to biodegradation of chlorobenzenes: Combination of Typha angustifolia and bacterial effects on hexachlorobenzene degradation in water. Water Science & Technology, 74: 1409-1416, 2016.
[4] Cuiping Zhang, Bei Wang, Xiaoyan Dai, Shuying Li, Guangqiu Lu, Yuanqing Zhou*. Structure and function of the bacterial communities during rhizoremediation of hexachlorobenzene inconstructed wetlands. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24: 11483-11492,2017.
[5] 鲁广秋,李娜,张翠萍. 昆明市农村地下水中金属污染分析与评价[J]. 中国资源综合利用,36(06):9-13,2018.